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  Bright light, white room, two chairs and one table. I’d been through this before, nothing’s new.

  I had been seated here alone with no one to attend to me for the past few minutes until a young man, dressed in a black suit walked in carrying a briefcase.

  “Hello” he said, placing the briefcase on the table before turning to me “Ms. Barcuff.”

  “It’s Valerina Barkov” I replied with a light smile. I could see a flash of confusion and surprise in his eye.

  “Okay Ms. Barkov” he started, trying hard to get a correct pronunciation this time

  “I’d prefer Val” I responded, a smile still plastered on my face. He simply nodded gently before pulling the briefcase closer to himself. He opened it and pulled out some files.

  “Five murders in one day, now that’s some stunt you pulled there” he started, “Gutiérrez Pablo, died of a severed jugular blood vessel” he turned over the picture of Mr. Pablo’s body at the murder scene,

  “Jian Li, burnt to death” he gave a cursory look at me and I could read meaning to it, Are you human?

  “Alexia Davies, shot at a range”

  “My last lawyer” I added. He turned to me, and then gave a second look at the cold body of Ms. Davies.

  “Dmitri Udinov, shot multiple times” he continued

  “It was just three times” I said. His head popped up like I had said a forbidden word. “And Alexander Sparks? Died of his product. Something that was meant to go into public market.” He stared at me.

  “You know there’s no escaping this, a killing spree is worth a long time you know? We’re talking life sentence here.”

  “You sound like Ms. Davies; she’s dead now you know?” I answered with a broad smile. He swallowed hard before packing up the files and leaving the interrogation room. I turned towards the glass window and there he stood, watching with a broken heart. “I’m sorry Parker I mumbled.”


  “Madam Foreperson, have you reached a final verdict?” The judge asked.

  “Yes my lord” an aged woman answered, rising up with a piece of paper.

  “What say you?”

  “In the case of the deceased families versus Valerina Barkov, we find her…Guilty”


  The gates buzzed open, I was welcomed with the loud chants of people and the clanging sounds of the metal gates. Nothing’s changed. I saw the look on people’s face as I was walked down the aisle, it was a look of doubt, there was no way anyone would want to return here, not in this life, not in a thousand lives to come.

  The metal door slid open and sitting there, in her usual spot, just the way I had left her was Sharon, or was it Redshiv now. I wasn’t surprised to see that my spot hadn’t been taken yet; there was barely anyone who could stand her aura. She turned to me, her face ever cheerful,

  “Welcome home Val” she said, a smile carved up on her face. Home, my life’s just officially started.

  Sneak Peek into Ground Zero: The Summer Collection

  R E B E L

  Devils. Priests. Beasts.

  Devils, we never thought they existed until we witnessed them firsthand-Superfast, super strong and ever shady in their acts. The most feared creatures that walked upon the face of the earth and everyone knew for sure why it was so-for they wore the “pendant of grace” with which they called every shot with authority. Their fists was one not to behold for no one hardly lived to tell what it felt like and their ‘’cloak of darkness’’ which forever remained darker than the void that covered the earth before creation spoke volumes of how much souls had been devoured by these creatures even as ragged as it looked. Their faces was always calm with their lips ever seeming to fake a smile, the small dark eyes which every one of these creatures possessed quaked the very soul of mere mortals and the manner in which they spoke was in the way birds eat.

  Born for service, quite a number trod in the path of righteousness for the cause of good. For even when they walked through the gateway of hell, the Priests feared no evil for they believed in Angels and miracles which brought them hope of a better afterlife. It took a lifetime of dedication and intense drilling before one could finally be honored with that grey “robe of service” which portrayed the beginning of a Priest’s sojourn. What you would believe to be a rosary was actually an Urumi (whip sword) and amongst other camouflages, they often carried back packs which contained jars in which “defeated ones” were damned. The Priests were seen as almost immortals for their colossus brave heart, divine speed and jaw-dropping accuracy.

  Blood thirsty canines, strong claws which often gave a killer grip, extreme strength and endurance, furs, that was enough to make you stay clear off their off their way-if at all you could tell who was a beast for you hardly saw their inhuman side. These creatures were dominantly normal humans which lived a normal human life-school, work, marriage, death, blah blah blah-but recessively wild tamed beasts, and these traits being passed down through generations. Ever loyal and trustworthy keeping to their very words-as long as no one tried to play smart on them.

  They say with Power comes Evil but then power enforces Good. What use are Priests if Sins are not bound and Claws remain useless if treaties are never broken.

  Gabriel Pope is a young African writer. He is the Author of With Love From Santa which peaked at #14 Bestseller for Teen and Young Adult category while it was Free. He spends his writing time on creating short stories since school engulfs all the other space. He tries out pretty much every genre and his current project is a collection that should be up by summer.

  Let's just keep our fingers crossed... ;)

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